Brainwriting Template

Use Visily's Brainwriting Template to enhance team brainstorming session and stimulate new ideas

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About the Brainwriting Template

Unleash your team's creative potential with Visily's Brainwriting Template. This structured framework guides your team through rapid, silent idea generation. Perfect for brainstorming sessions, problem-solving, and collaborative innovation.

How to Use Visily's Brainwriting Template

1. Get Started: Click "Use this Template" to instantly access the pre-formatted Brainwriting template.

2. Create an Account: Sign up for your free Visily account to unlock all editing capabilities.

3. Fill in and customize your brainwriting template:

- Set a clear topic or problem statement at the top.

- Provide idea generation slots for team members to fill.

- Set optional time limits for each round of idea generation.

- Use Visily to connect, rearrange, and expand on ideas as needed.

Benefits of Using Visily's Brainwriting Template

- Save time with pre-made templates: Start a brainwriting session quickly without building from scratch.

- Customizable Template: Tailor the template to specifically address your needs.

- Work together seamlessly: Share and make edits with your team in real-time.

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