Design Assistant
Flawless designs made easy
Unleash your creativity, our AI Assistant will refine it to perfection!

UI Design, A User-Centered Aproach
UI Design, A User-Centered Approach

Magic Image
Tired of searching for the right images? Give our AI an example image, and it will fetch high-quality, similar images for you.
Give our AI an example image,
and it will fetch high-quality, similar images for you.

Coming soon
Magic Content​
With a simple prompt, Magic Content can improve, edit, or completely rewrite your content.

Fix grammar & spelling
Worry no more about misspelled words or typos

Improve writing
Make a lasting impression on your audience with high-quality content

Change tone
Adjust your copy to better suit your brand tone of voice

Generate with AI
Create flawless copy with your prompt ideas
Magic Content improves, edits, or rewrites your content with a simple prompt.

Fix grammar & spelling
Worry no more about misspelled words or typos​

Improve writing​
Make a lasting impression on your audience with high-quality content​

Change tone
Adjust your copy to better suit your brand tone of voice

Generate with AI
Create flawless copy with your prompt ideas
Magic Theme
Infuse your designs with flair in mere seconds
Inspired by a site’s design? Provide the URL and Visily will add the colors and fonts to your theme.
Update your theme’s aesthetic with a simple image upload
Choose from Visily’s many pre-made themes to get started
Choose keywords to update your design’s theme
Eager to get started?
Kick off your design with…

Prebuilt Templates
Start your design from our vast collection of prebuilt templates
Add polish to your designs
You can focus on making your product greater
while our AI ensures your designs are impeccable
Visily can handle tedious details, so you can focus on what matters
Structured Data Fill
Effortlessly fill tables with structured or
free-form content.
Design Assistant
Never miss a chance to impress your users. Our AI can provide design suggestions to make your design more aesthetically pleasing.